Friday 9 December 2011

Additional class again!

Dear all beautiful and handsome students,

We will have an additional class as follows:

Date: 15/12/2011 (Thu)
Time: 2.45-4.45 pm.
Room: West B

Pls do come for the class as we will do revision of the past year papers.

Thank you.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Exercise: Revision 2

1. Discuss HOW information systems can help organizations to achieve operational excellence.
    (10 Marks)

Sunday 4 December 2011

Additional Class!

Dear fellow students,

We will have an additional class on this coming Thursday (08/12/2011) at 2.45-4.45pm in room East A.

We will combine both MIS classes of BBA and B.Mgmt students in this coming additional class.

Try to come as we will cover 2 chapters at once in our class.

Thank you.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Exercise: Revision 1

1. Desribe THREE (3) factors that contribute to the difficulty of implementing enterprise systems within an organization. (10 Marks)

2.a) What are the benefits of enterprise systems? (5 Marks)

   b) What are the challenges of enterprise systems? (5 Marks)

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Additional Class

Hi fellow students,

We will have an additional class as follows:

Date: 17/11/2011 (This coming Thursday)
Time: 2.15-3.45pm (1.5 hours only)
Room: West C

Try to come for the class ya!


Quiz 2 Tips!


We will have quiz 2 as follows:

Date: 23/11/2011
Time: 8.00-10.00am
Room: West E

1) 10 MCQs (Chapter 6 only)
2) 1 Short Essay (Chapter 6- Data redundancy and inconsistency)

Thanks with regards,